Marketing Empowerment | Yufeng Intelligent held a marketing solutions seminar Aug 06, 2024

On August 3, in order to deeply analyze market trends and systematically summarize experiences and lessons, Yufeng Intelligent organized a marketing solutions seminar. In this seminar, special guest Xu Yong, vice president of the Express Logistics Branch of China Communications and Transportation Association, came to the company to provide professional guidance and share knowledge and skills in customer development, marketing and comprehensive solutions.

The meeting was chaired by Deputy General Manager Pan Yong, and was attended by the company's General Manager Xiang Weifeng, middle and senior leaders, and all members of the Marketing Center, Marketing Department, and Commerce Department.

During the meeting, the participants actively interacted with President Xu Yong and had in-depth discussions and exchanges. The regional marketing directors of each region put forward the problems and difficulties faced by the current market expansion from multiple dimensions based on their own business conditions: In the current situation of severe domestic and foreign industry involution, how can Yufeng Intelligent build on its own advantages, shape product features and create product differences? change. How to better delve into subdivided industries, how to quickly and effectively lock in customers, and deeply explore customer needs...

Regarding Yufeng Intelligent’s strategic positioning and macro development strategy, Chairman Xu Yong put forward four-point guidance: “Three Ones”, “Three Bigs”, “Three Integrations” and “Three Lows” in terms of development philosophy, scale positioning, and business strategies. suggestion. In the sharing session on the 12 skills that marketers should possess, President Xu Yong emphasized the importance of modern marketing strategies: Marketing is not only about selling products, but also about creating value for customers. He encouraged teams to focus on systematic planning and execution when facing challenges. , adhere to a belief: there is no shortcut to success, but there is a method to success; we must find methods for success, not reasons for failure!

General Manager Xiang Weifeng emphasized that we must adhere to goals, analyze problems in depth, be guided by market user needs, focus deeply on customer needs, continue to optimize marketing strategies, and continuously expand industry application areas. Marketers should accurately define their roles, clarify job responsibilities, continue to maintain a low-key and pragmatic work style, and use professional and high-quality services to create greater value for customers.

The holding of this seminar is not only a sharing of results and experiences, but also a gathering of wisdom and future prospects. Facing a market where opportunities and challenges coexist, Yufeng Intelligent will continue to strengthen product research and development, technological innovation, solution development and marketing service capabilities, and continue to empower industrial development.

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